The Bestselling Cars of All Times
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The automobile industry is continues to grow and develop. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about new technologies or older ones, we can see that throughout the years many models have proven themselves to be quite good on the road. Whether the reason for their success is their price-to-quality ratio or interesting design and innovative functions, we cannot say, but today we will present you with some of the bestselling automobiles in the industry. We have to note that there are some vehicles, which are not included in this list, because we wanted it to be more temporary, thus we have focused on models, which you can see on the roads today. But to give an honorable mention to the actual champion among cars, we have to mention the Ford Model T, which was the pioneering vehicle, the first one that sold more than 15 million vehicles. You can read our full list below, but don’t forget that if you ever need a car rental service, we are always available with vehicles in the economy, standard or luxury class. Just give us a call!
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Let’s start! At the head of our list we have the Toyota Corolla. Throughout the years this model has gone through many changes, both in constructional and design aspect, but it still is one of the bestsellers in the market right now. In 1966 the first Toyota Corolla was up for grabs with more than 40 million units sold to this day under the Corolla name. We have to say something though – a model of the same name doesn’t mean that the cars are the same. This may take the title away from Corolla, because unlike the next vehicle in our list, the autos of the contemporary Corolla series don’t have much in common with their past versions.
Second in our list is the people’s favorite Volkswagen Beetle – truly “the people’s car”. Its glory starts to diminish as late as the nineties, although it manufacturing process stopped in 2003. At the end of its production cycle more than 21 million units of this model have been sold, but unlike Toyota Corolla, all of the iterations of the Beetle have many things in common. The differences between 2003 and 1938 Beetles are so insignificant construction-wise that you can interchange their chassis and bodies and they would still fit and work. This makes us think that actually the Beetle is way more deserving of the first place for bestselling vehicle.
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Well, to make up for it the way we arranged our list, we will add another Volkswagen. It is still completely deserving, because we are talking about the VW Golf. This is a really popular vehicle, again living up to the name of “the people’s car”. What is interesting about it is that as the case with the Beetle is, the Golf has little changes throughout its different versions. You can clearly trace the changes from the oldest looks of the car to the newest. And function-wise the Golf still occupies the same field – that of an affordable small vehicle, which can still be handled with ease.
The last vehicle in our list is the Ford Escort. It is no longer manufactured, but more than 20 million of it have been sold throughout its life cycle. This vehicle can still be seen on the streets, although pretty rarely, but this speaks about how high quality of a build it has. Its spiritual successor is the Focus model, which continues to win a lot of awards for Car of the Year in different countries.
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We hope that our articles was interesting and useful to you! Drive safely and have a nice trip in the summer days, be it work-related or personal!